Tuesday, January 31, 2012

all-in-one rice

If you have noticed that my posts have not been that frequent lately, you are correct. With Princess now 2 1/2 years of age, it has become quite a challenge to catch up with her. Her actions are so fast and at this age, they only know "now", "now" and "now"!

I have been pondering how to cook something simple for Princess and yet, something that contains vegetables, meat, etc.

This is actually borrowed from the idea of "claypot rice".

I used homemade stock to cook rice in a rice cooker. When cooking rice for toddlers (especially if you are adding brown rice), it is a good idea to soak the rice for a short while before you cook them. It helps to soften the grains and the rice cooks faster and it softer.

When the stock is drying up, add ingredients of your choice. I added meat, fish and assorted vegetables, all chopped/sliced "bite-size". When the rice is cooked, use a ladle to mix the ingredients with the rice. Cover the lid again and leave the rice cooker alone for another 10 minutes or so before serving.

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